Donate to the Iowa Wildlife Center

the lifeblood of our non-profit organization

Iowa Wildlife Center LogoThe vision of the Iowa Wildlife Center is alive and strong but can only come to fruition with your help. We keep our expenses at a minimum through the use of many, many volunteer hours, but there are still bills to pay. It will take a lot of resources to build and run this medical clinic, hospital and education center. We will use green building concepts in the design and construction of the Center and carefully plan our use and reuse of energy. That's good for all of us and it will help IWC reduce operating costs in the long run.

Make your gift by using our Network for Good account or by completing the form below. You may use PayPal or mail a check to our office, 328 Main St, Ste 208, Ames, IA 50010. The ease of electronic payments comes with a trade-off. You may choose to add our handling fee of 2.2% + $.30 to your total electronic payment ($2.50 for a $100 donation). While your total donation will increase slightly, we can assure you that it will be put to good use. We strongly encourage large donations be completed by check to get the most benefit from your gift.

 Download Our IRS Non-profit Designation Letter